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Monday, May 9, 2011

The Mothers Day Call!

So this is how it went. His dad and little brother came to pick me up at my house, thank heavens he's got great parents who love me! Anyways we drove down to Farr West and I got to his house at about five! We waited...waited...and waited. I started pacing back and forth and had the biggest butterflies in my stomach. I didn't hear the phone ring but I heard his mom talking to someone. I went to see if she was talking on the phone, and what do you know! SHE WAS TALKING TO SHELDON! I freaked out, started feeling hot, so I went outside. Sheldon's sister decided to film me freaking out. My brain was going crazy, I was shaking, his brothers and sisters were telling me it's going to be alright! I was just so happy and nervous! He wanted to talk to my last apparently, so I waited til the last fifteen minutes he had to talk on the phone. I said "Hi" and heard him respond back saying "Hey Baby girl". My heart melted! I went somewhere quite so I could calm myself and have alone time with him. We talked about many things, some things I don't even remember, because I just wanted to soak in hearing his voice. We exchanged a lot of I love you's. And he brought up the subject of marriage, like he has in his past letters to me. He said he has no doubts that I'll be here for him when he gets back. That he's so excited to in a couple of years start a family with me. He was just cute like usual and very romantic like usual. We both couldn't stop smiling and just laughing, it was the happiest phone call ever. He finally told me he had to go, and we had a hard time hanging up the phone. But we finally did. It was amazing! I missed him a lot the rest of the night. I slept over at his families house, and I got to sleep in HIS BED! I had his room all to myself! I remember back in the days when I used to sleepover and I would go to his room to wake him up in the morning. Now I was the one able to sleep in his bed. It felt empty, of course we knew who was missing. But I loved that I got to sleep there. As I went to bed, I saw up above on his wooden arch above his bed a carved in heart that said S+B=Forever. It made me smile, because he used to tell me he would look up at that every night and think of me. I'm so naughty, but I grabbed a pen that was in his room. Right next to the heart he put, I drew another heart saying, I loved waiting for you. Then I went to sleep. It was a rough nights rest cause I kept waking up thinking I'd find him laying right next to me. But still it was amazing! Something unforgettable! Just got to thank his mom being so great for letting me talk to him!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Tie

Sheldon's companion Elder De Bruyn on the left, don't know whose in the middle, then my boy is the one of the right. (The really handsome one.) The reason I put up this picture is because he's wearing the tie I gave him for Easter! He loves it, and I'm so glad it looks good on him.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Best Easter Gift

So I woke up this morning, went automatically to email to see if my boy was on cause it's P-Day. I go to my inbox to find two recordings. One personally for me, and another reading "Your Easter Present." I was kinda confused at first so I proceeded to download it. My windows player popped up and this is what I got. For all of you who love guitarists, especially my MG'S, you'll love this. I balled when I heard him play "Our Song" that he made for me. I haven't heard it in 6 months! Now I can listen to it everyday! I'm so happy. I love my missionary!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quote from Elder De Vries

I couldn't help but love what Sheldon had said in his recording this week. 4/12/11

These are the words of Elder De Vries " Me and my companion play pool alot, and I lose like every game. There are alot of things I lose in, but then I think to myself, I've won one thing, I've one Britany! If I lose games, I still win at life."

All I have to say is thank you babe! He also sent some pictures.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Me and Sheldon had this thing where we liked to make hearts out of our hands. I didn't even realize how much we did it, til I was looking through our photos. I also noticed we did this on our most memorable days. Cute much? I think so. Can't wait to do this again!
1st and 4th picture we took at Daybreak lake where Sheldon confessed his love to me. This was also the last week I had with him. The 2nd pic is when we went to St.George with his mom and aunts. This is where Sheldon also gave me the promise ring from him. It was a beautiful sunset so we took pictures. And the 3rd pic is when we first were together as a couple.
Hopefully the next one I'll get is when he's back home again!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I forgot to put up baptisms Sheldon has been able to help with or witness.
The first lady he visited with his old companion, and they convinced her to get baptized.
Second, his companion Elder DeBruyn and his old companion got this lady baptized. So he didn't do anything really to help out, but he got to witness it which is cool.

04/3/11 Conference Weekend

This is Preston and me heading to Sunday Morning Conference.
The second picture is Saturday session of General Conference. The boys got a little sleepy. Awww.......how cute!
Third picture, the boys! Sheldon looks so tan!

2nd Companion

Sheldon's got a new companion! Yay! The first one wasn't so good, so he's happy to like his new companion Elder DeBruyn! Sheldon was transferred to Arvada 5th ward.

Festival Of Colors 03/16/11

The Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork is so worth going to! I went with a friend of mine, I'm definitely gonna start going every year! The one thing that isnt fun is it leaves pink colors in your hair, which means I have to die it now haha. Oh well! So worth it!

My 2 Most Treasured Items

My first most treasured item would have to be my CTR ring. It's much more than a CTR ring though, it's a promise ring Sheldon gave to me before he left on his mission. It makes me so happy that he wanted me to wait for him. My second most treasured item is a necklace that matches with this ring. It is a heart necklace that he gave me for my birthday, the first one he couldn't be there for cause he was on his mission. Just one more birthday without him, and I get to be with him again. One thing I hope to treasure one day is also a wedding ring from him. We'll see!

The Opening of his Mission Call.

Sorry I couldn't turn it the right way haha.

Family Camping/Boating Trip

This was a trip I was invited to go to with his family in the summer of 2010. This is where I got super close to all his family. I hadn't been camping in so long, and it was nice that his family let me tag along. We had so much fun! Boating was definitely the best! Oh, when the trip was over with and we got back to his house. The first thing me and him did was run to his mailbox to see if he had gotten his mission call! Yes! He did! He was so excited! It was the cutest thing ever to see! I'll never forget seeing how happy he was. That's what's keeps me going through this hard journey!

This vid was taken in 2009 of December. We were still
in the process of being a new couple. We were down at
Temple Square seeing the lights.


I wish I started blogging a long time ago, so I could have everything we've done together on here. But because I never have time, I'm gonna start from this date 4/8/11 what's been going on between us. Well I thought I'd start my blog off with how we came to meet. Our whole story of how we met isn't the cutest story in the world, but what our love became made it so special. We met on Facebook a long time ago, and we will always be grateful to Facebook for it. I know not super romantic right? Haha. I came to find him on FB with one of my ex's and I added him as a friend. We never talked, but I tried multiple times to chat with him. Apparently at that time he had a girlfriend so that's why he was ignoring me. Eventually, I got used to the fact he wasn't going to talk to me so I stopped. We remained friends on FB for almost a year I think? Without any communication. One day he realized I was having troubles with what was my boyfriend at that time. He started chatting with me, and I started chatting to him about my problems. We were talking on the phone close to one month. I finally decided to break up with my boyfriend one night, and I told him. Little did I know he liked me the whole time we were talking on the phone. One night we were chatting, and he had the guts to tell me he liked me. I didn't realize how much I liked him til he said those words, then the words came out of my mouth, "I like you to, alot." He asked me if we could meet, I froze, and I thought okay we can. We met on a Saturday in the summer. We had no idea what to do, so he was just going to come to my house to hangout. I got all dolled up to meet this handsome boy. I was standing on the porch. Then I saw this white car pull up, and at this time I was super nervous. He walked out of the car popped his collar, and took off his sunglasses in a very suave way. It was like one of those slow motion moments in a movie, where you watch the sexy guy walk up towards you. I pulled my hand out for a handshake, instead he grabbed me, and gave me the biggest bear hug! I wasn't expecting that at all, but it was so surreal. We went on a walk, we chatted, and instantly we clicked. He grabbed to hold my hands, and I accepted. Holding his hands felt so right, and one thing I loved was looking into his beautiful brown eyes. Believe it or not, but the truth is, I realized what love at first sight was like. We went back to my house to watch a movie. We put Shrek on. Of course, it's one of those stories where we couldn't pay attention to the movie. I wanted him to kiss me so bad, and I was trying to give him signals to. He was so nervous, but apparently he wanted to kiss me so badly, but he didn't want to make me uncomfortable. I decided to just start staring at him to give him the signal I wanted it haha. And I also told him that I loved him. Well he understood it eventually and he moved in the 90%. I moved in the 10%, and FIREWORKS BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM. You don't need to know anything else about what happened haha. But that night, I knew I'd fallen in love, and I was hoping he would feel the same way. He said he was going to miss me, and that he'd come to visit me as soon as he could.
The night we got together was the day he told me he loved me. That was our second date haha. I planned it with my girlfriends. We had a picnic at Daybreak Lake. It was great! Later, Sheldon decided he wanted to get me alone cause he had something special to "Tell me". We were sitting on the pier over the water, and the sun was setting. Seriously the most perfect scene you could ever imagine. He pulled out his guitar. He started playing a song that he had written for me. I have never had a boy play guitar for me before. IT WAS HOT! He then after the song told me he loved me. And of course we made out for like almost 2 hours on the pier and under the stars. We totally blanked that our friends were still there with us. So eventually we decided we needed to find them. But that night was the start to our romance. I couldn't of ever found a better half, he's my soulmate, best friend, partner in crime, love of my life, and baby boy.